Descent Survey Index K
Index by Chris Howes complete to (288)
Other than caves in the UK and Ireland, sites are listed under country name
Kalimantan | area map | 134:24 |
Kate Brook | caves of | 97:31 |
Keay Hole | 31:23 | |
Kelco Caves | Lesser and Greater Kelco Cave | 233:8 |
Keld Beck Cave | 271:10 | |
Keld Head | and Kingsdale Master Cave | |
Kelly’s Cave | 216:14 | |
Kelly’s Lane Cave | ||
Kettleness | unnamed iron mine | 195:30 |
Kilnsey Cave | 278:29 | |
King Pot | 40:5 | |
Kingsdale | caves of | 103:30 |
hydrology | 147:32 | |
Kingsdale Master Cave | Black Rose Tunnel area | 35:5 |
downstream sumps | 98:25 | |
East Kingsdale Branch | 98:25 | |
Keld Head link | ||
Roof Tunnel extension | 32:26 | |
Upstream Sumps | 111:9 | |
Kinvarra | area map | 110:24 |
Kirk Pot | 226:17 | |
Kirkdale Cave | 139:27 | |
Kitten's Hole (Pollnapuisin) | 250:17 | |
Knotlow Cavern | Crimbo Hollow area | 114:11 |
Knotlow Mine | 6:11 | |
Krubera | see under Georgia | |
KY Cave | ||
Kyrgyzstan | Kum-Tor Glacier Gold Mine | 116:30 |