Descent Author Index M
Index by Chris Howes complete to (288)
McANULT, Sean | Stress ... Sneeze ... Success! [SUICRO Symposium 2017] | (260), Dec 2017, pp12-13 |
McCULLOUGH, Kirsten & LOVETT, Ben | With Rationed Ropes and Spits ... [China Caves] | (135), April 1997, pp29-31 |
McELWAIN, Claire & LOVETT, Ben | Of Floods, Frogs and a Connection [San Qiao, China] | (168), Oct 2002, pp24-5 |
McFARLANE, Donald | The Hollow Hills of Gomantong [surveying using a drone] | (230), Feb 2013, pp34-6 |
McHALE, Mick [Mike] | Madagascar '86. British team follows up early French explorations | (75), April 1987, pp27-9 |
[McHALE, Mike] | Wharfedale. Some caving gems in one of the neglected Yorkshire Dales [wrongly credited to Mike Haler] | (81), April 1988, pp26-7 |
McKEE, Howard | LUSS Expedition Pushes Picos 56 Pot to a Depth of 1,615ft | (44), Jan 1980, pp21-5 |
Hung, Drawn & Quartered | (88), June 1989, pp26-7 | |
MacNAB, Peter Snablet & ONEILL, Pete | Weve Got Extreme Ways [Pippikin Pot] | (169), Dec 2002, pp34-5 |
MACKRILL, Paul & HUDSON, Ben & LOVERIDGE, Fleur | Beneath the Mountains. Again to Xitu [concluding part of article on diving through-trip] | (233), Aug 2013, pp36-43 |
MACTAVISH, Andrew | New Portland Cave and Britains most difficult entrance | (32), Sept 1975, pp4-9 |
MAIS, Karl | Austrian Expedition Scores Double Success in Mammoth Cave | (12), May 1970, pp4-5 |
MALLINSON, Jason | Cheve's Terminal Choke: the Remotest Place in Earth [Cueva Cheve, Mexico] | (174), Oct 2003, p31 |
MANSUR, Mike | Stalactijack Repairs [repairing broken stal] | (281), Aug 2021, pp36-7 |
MARANGONI, Stefania | Cameras at Porth | (142), June 1998, p24 |
MARSHALL, Des | Keeping Your Cool in Winter Alpine Caving | (77), Aug 1987, pp22-3 |
Down Among the Black Stuff. The graphite mines of Borrowdale | (82), June 1988, pp26-7 | |
Caving Nepalese Style | (136), June 1997, p32 | |
A Giant Christmas Dinner | (145), Dec 1998, pp32-3 | |
MARTIN, Dave | Caving Federation Called in As Consultants By Major Show Cave [Jenolan, Australia] | (62), Jan 1985, pp18-19 |
The Ascent of Nettlebed | (65), Aug 1985, pp20-3 | |
New Zealand Christmas Expeditions. Bulmer Cavern taken to 7.5 miles | (77), Aug 1987, pp24-8 | |
MARTIN, Dave & BONWICK, Mark | User-Friendly Cave Surveying with a Micro-Computer | (H4), 1987, pp19-24 [see also 76:36 for corrections] |
MARTIN, Dave & WARILD, Alan | Time Runs Out at 1,475ft and the Cave Still Going [Mexico] | (66), Oct 1985, pp18-19 |
MARTIN, Mike | Cambridge in Austria | (69), March 1986, p10 |
MARTIN, Pete | Chauvet Revealed [opening of replica cave] | (244), June 2015, pp35-7 |
MATHEWS, Bob | Poor Weather Slows Cambridge Pyrenees Work | (23), April 1973, p13 |
MATTHEWS, Alison | Down Under, Down Under | (108), Oct 1992, p23 |
MATTHEWS, Geoff | Nottingham Meets the Challenge of Spains Picos | (2), Feb 1969, pp2-8 |
Spain Tightens Cave Access | (23), April 1973, p14 | |
MAURICE, Lou | The Search for Dreams [lightweight expedition to Uzbekistan] | (173), Aug 2003, pp20-2 |
MAURICE, Lou & GUILFORD, Tim | The Last Bolt [Spain] | (155), Aug 2000, pp20-2 |
MAYERS, Steve | Doghole Reveals Devons Jewels | (40), Jan 1979, p38 |
MEADE-KING, Simon | Cobbling It All Together [Hobnail Hole] | (255), April 2017, pp29-31 |
MEHEW, Bob | Explosives: A change in the law | (95), Aug 1990, pp32-3 |
Looking Forward | (157), Dec 2000, p33 | |
When to Retire Your Rope | (175), Dec 2003, p32 | |
The Old Days have Gone; Here are the New | (176), Feb 2004, pp26-7 | |
One Year On [BCA anniversary] | (181), Dec 2004, pp26-7 | |
The Sea Caves of Staffa | (186), Oct 2005, p26 | |
A Question of Anchors | (193), Dec 2006, p33 | |
Playing Russian Roulette [bad air] | (204), Oct 2008, p23 | |
A Bit of a Bitch [analysis of rope from JH] | (221), Aug 2011, pp28-9 | |
Handlines for Free [rope tests on old handlines] | (224), Feb 2012, p31 | |
Do Sheath Defects Weaken a Rope? | (227), Aug 2012, p23 | |
Knotty Dangers in SRT | (233), Aug 2013, pp20-1 | |
Party On! [BCA AGM party 2013] | (233), Aug 2013, p22 | |
The CRoW Legacy | (240), Oct 2014, pp26-8 | |
Choices Ahead [BCA AGM 2017 motions] | (255), April 2017, pp23 | |
Don't Misuse your Kit! | (269), Aug 2019, pp36-7 | |
Alpine or Caver ... which knot is safer? | (274), June 2020, pp16-17 | |
MEHEW, Bob & THOMAS, Gethin | Testing Anchors in Slate | (249), April 2016, pp32-4 |
MELIM, Leslie A. et al | Pool Fingers of the World [formations] | (211), Dec 2009, p28 |
MELLING, Alex | Alpine Assault! Or, a wimps eye-view of caving | (81), April 1988, pp24-5 |
MELLORS, Peter T. | Aspects of Derbyshires Limestone Hydrology | (14), Oct 1970, pp24-8 |
Pyrenean Caves | (18), Sept 1971, pp23-4 | |
Quo Vadis. The non-club caver? | (25), Sept 1973, pp4-7 | |
Caving's Cinderella in a Plain Brown Envelope. Descent is five years old | (27), March 1974, pp4-6 | |
The Eldon Hill Quarry Inquiry | (76), June 1987, pp26-7 | |
Insurance. Take a look at your policy | (94), June 1990, p34 | |
MENDUS, Alys | Nepal's Nature Spirits | (220), June 2011, pp42-3 |
MERCHANT, Dave | Cavings Road to Recovery [aftermath of foot-and-mouth] | (160), June 2001, pp30-2 |
Cavings Continued Recovery | (161), Aug 2001, p33 | |
MERINO, Tony | The Grandeur of Vallgornera | (220), June 2011, pp22-31 |
MIDDLETON, John R. | Iran Discovery Gives British Hopes for Depth Record | (19), Nov 1971, pp3-4 |
MIDDLETON, Rob | Mulu's Hidden Valley [2017 expedition] | (259), Dec 2017, pp27-31 |
Exploring Hells Bells | (279), April 2021, pp36-7 | |
MIDWINTER, Jenny | A Gaping Gardener [filming at Gaping Gill] | (173), Aug 2003, p36 |
MILLS, Doug & PROSSER, Ian & RICKETTS, Val | Probing Into the Karst of Portugal | (70), May 1986, p25 |
MILLS, Lank et al | Advance Team Picks Out Matienzos Plum Pots | (32), Sept 1975, pp30-1 |
MILLS, Martin 'Milche' | Subterranean Games [Write it Down!] | (237), April 2014, p38 |
Do Nothing by Halves [Ray Mansfield obituary] | (251), Aug 2016, pp36-7 | |
Absent Friends [Fred Davies obituary] | (275), August 2020, pp42-3 | |
Caves Be Where You Find 'em [Fred Davies obituary] | (276), October 2020, pp30-1 | |
Is it my Imagination? [number of caving books being published is increasing] | (282), Oct 2021, p33 | |
MILLS, Martin 'Milche' & RICHARDSON, Allan | Adopted Son of Mendip [Tony Knibbs obituary] | (256), June 2017, pp18-19 |
[MILTON, Nick] | Great British Limestones | (59), July 1984, pp32-3 |
MINAHAN, Louisa J. et al | The Descent [review of films The Descent and The Cave] | (186), Oct 2005, pp32-3 |
MINTON, Mark | Sistema Huautla. Knitting together the fabric of the Mexican giant | (79), Dec 1987, p26-9 |
MIZRAHI, Nigel | Bayercast: Caving applications for this revolutionary splint technique | (47), Jan 1981, pp25-6 |
MOHR, Julie & BLISS, Ron & MOHR, Peter | Caves Through a Magic Lantern | (192), Oct 2006, pp36-8 |
MOHR, Julie & MOHR, Peter | Boireaus Memorial [Geoffrey Boireau, who drowned in Mossdale Cavern] | (184), June 2005, p32 |
Blissful Days [Ron Bliss photography] | (198), Oct 2007, pp24-5 | |
Adieu: The British Caver [publication ceases] | (203), Aug 2008, pp26-7 | |
MOHR, Peter | Gauging the Risk | (153), April 2000, pp20-3 |
The Adventures of Conon | (153), April 2000, p38 | |
The Discovery of Kaths Way [Lancaster Hole] | (190), June 2006, p33 | |
MOHR, Peter & BLISS, Ron & MOHR, Julie | Caves Through a Magic Lantern | (192), Oct 2006, pp36-8 |
MOHR, Peter & MOHR, Julie | Boireaus Memorial [Geoffrey Boireau, who drowned in Mossdale Cavern] | (184), June 2005, p32 |
Blissful Days [Ron Bliss photography] | (198), Oct 2007, pp24-5 | |
Adieu: The British Caver [publication ceases] | (203), Aug 2008, pp26-7 | |
MONICO, Paul | Beyond the Unexplored Extremity [Kirkdale Cave] | (139), Dec 1997, p27 |
MONK, Pete | A Return to Fairy Holes | (232), June 2013, pp28-9 |
MONTGOMERY, Neil | The Jerry Pad | (33), April 1976, pp47-8 |
The Rack v Whaletails. A second opinion | (34), Aug 1976, pp50-2 | |
MOODY, Alison | Once More Unto the Sump [Swildon's Hole] | (168), Oct 2002, pp26-7 |
The Grand Tour [Swildon's Hole] | (194), Feb 2007, pp20-2 | |
Beyond the Chill Out Choke [Charterhouse Cave] | (214), June 2010, pp20-3 | |
Beyond Portal Pool [Charterhouse Cave] | (216), Oct 2010, pp26-8 | |
Beyond the (W)hole of Time [Charterhouse Cave] | (219), April 2011, pp22-5 | |
Two Rounds for Swildon's [Swynne-Puke and Mud Sump round-trips] | (227), Aug 2012, pp26-7 | |
The Bagpit Depression | (280), June 2021, pp20-5 | |
MOODY, Cat & HOFF, Martin & SIMS,Mark | The Birth of the RATs [Read's Cavern] | (232), June 2013, pp32-3 |
Beyond Yorkshire Gold [Durmitor expeditions] | (256), June 2017, pp26-30 | |
MOODY, Pete | Renolds Passage. Five years of dedication and Dr Nobels linctus take Longwood to fifth deepest | (54), Aug 1983, pp22-4 |
Goughs Cave Diving duo reach Cheddar's fabled underground river | (69), March 1986, pp18-19 | |
MOORE, Mike & HOLMES, Maureen & WORSFOLD, Mike | A Cornish Coming of Age [NAMHO conference] | (156), Oct 2000, pp34-5 |
MORCOM, Kev & MORET, Pat & SUMPTER, Ben | Exploring Morvah's Cliffs | (269), Aug 2019, pp42-3 |
MORET, Pat & MORCOM, Kev & SUMPTER, Ben | Exploring Morvah's Cliffs | (269), Aug 2019, pp42-3 |
MORGAN, A.E. [Anthony] | Inspired by Fell [Jack Fell and Fell's Swoop] | (243), April 2015, p35 |
MORGAN, Geoff & GARDENER, Clive | The Innovative Caver [obituary, Owen Clarke] | (248), Feb 2016, pp32-3 |
MORGAN, Peter & HUNT, Barry M. | Smokey Hole | (57), March 1984, pp10-11 |
MORGAN, Tim | Explorer I Harness [gear review] | (167), Aug 2002, p16 |
MORRISON, Duncan | Tales of a Vietnam Virgin [Hang Lanh] | (170), Feb 2003, pp20-1 |
MORRISON, Duncan & NUNWICK, Mick | The Health Farm on Newby Moss | (156), Oct 2000, pp28-30 |
MOSELEY, Gina | Solving a Climate Riddle [Devils Hole, Nevada] | (252), Oct 2016, pp26-7 |
Mendips Ice Caves [cryogenic cave calcite] | (254), Feb 2017, p23 | |
MOSELEY, Gina & BLAKELEY, Chris | Greenland's Climate Change [part 1] | (273), April 2020, pp19-23 |
Greenland's Calcite (part 2) | (274), June 2020, pp18-24 | |
MOTTRAM, Les | Blea Gill Cave: The discoveries continue | (34), Aug 1976, pp53-5 |
Busy Schedule for Lancashire Team in Yugoslavia | (53), Jan 1983, pp17-19 | |
MOTTRAM, Les & SEED, Peter | Blea Gill Cave: A clubs diary of exploration | (33), April 1976, pp16-19 |
MOULDING, Miles | The Destruction of the Robey | (197), Aug 2007, p33 |
MULHOLLAND, Pete | Prids Sonic Survey [Pridhamsleigh Cavern] | (107), Aug 1992, p29 |
Reinventin' the Wheelie Bin! [Ressel diving] | (143), Aug 1998, p29 | |
MULLAN, Graham | The Reopening of Pen Park Hole | (111), April 1993, p27 |
Stal Sampling & Conservation | (120), Oct 1994, p31 | |
A Piece of Unparalleled Daring [Norbert Casteret] | (156), Oct 2000, pp32-3 | |
The Unique Status of Pen Park Hole [gains SSSI status] | (252), Oct 2016, pp32-5 | |
MUNOZ, Andrew | So Let me Get This Straight ... [Chimanimani expedition, Zimbabwe] | (264), Oct 2018, pp30-3 |
MURGATROYD, Rob & ABBOTT, Simon | Three-Foot Dig Leapfrogs Three Aggy Sumps. Digging through to Maytime [Agen Allwedd] | (81), April 1988, pp20-3 |
MURLAND, Jerry | Recent Diving in Derbyshire | (38), March 1978, pp30-1 |
Oh, Poor Old P8! | (48), March 1981, p37 | |
Tests Throw New Light On Giants Watercourse | (49), July 1981, pp38-9 | |
Diving La Font Maure in Search of the Aude Gorges Master Cave | (52), Oct 1982, pp24-7 | |
MURLIS, Brian | Pushing Dan yr Ogof | (107), Aug 1992, pp20-2 |
MURPHY, Mick | The Saga of Ireby Fell [poem] | (168), Oct 2002, p38 |
MURPHY, Phil | A Day of Science [BCRA Cave Science Symposium] | (265), Dec 2018, p21 |
MURPHY, Phil & COLLINS, Gregory | Autumn Studies [CREG and BCRA Cave Science meetings] | (259), Dec 2017, p16 |
MURPHY, Phil & DAVY-JOW, Stephanie | The Wolf Den: Ten Years On | (203), Aug 2008, pp32-3 |
MYCROFT, Dave | Planning Brings Prizes | (136), June 1997, pp30-1 |
MYERS, Jack | Vale: Harold Budge Burgess | (156), Oct 2000, p31 |
An Underground Adventure [obituary Arthur Gemmell] | (164), Feb 2002, p34 | |
MYERS, Russell | The Grand Traverse [Three Counties System] | (283), Dec 2021, pp22-6 |