Descent Survey Index G
Index by Chris Howes complete to (288)
Other than caves in the UK and Ireland, sites are listed under country name
G.B. Cave | ||
depressions near | 2:25 | |
Gabon | Grotte de Mbenaltembe | 208:27 |
Gaping Gill | 251:23-4 | |
Far Waters and Whitsun Series | 157:21 | |
hydrology | ||
Martel's survey | ||
Main Chamber and shafts (profile) | ||
Rat Hole topos | 186:12 | |
shafts | 75:26 | |
The Near Country | 181:34 | |
Gautries Hole | 213:15 | |
Gavel Pot | area map | 125:10 |
hydrology | 83:6 | |
Georgia | Krubera Cave | 228:34 |
Verevkina | 272:22-3 | |
Germany | Riesending-Schachthohle | |
Giant's Hole | 1948 (historical) survey | 159:31 |
East Canal extensions | 38:31 | |
Geology Aven | 267:11 | |
hydrology | 49:39 | |
Lower Syphon Complex | 59:15 | |
North Rift Extension | 152:10 | |
with Oxlow Caverns | 240:33 | |
Gibbets Brow Shaft | 215:35 | |
Gingling Hole | 72:14 | |
1992 extensions | 109:12 | |
Glebe Mine | Wet West Caverns | 224:34 |
Gleniff Barytes Mine | 245:16-17 | |
Goatchurch Cavern | Drainpipe extension | 46:5 |
Godstone | area map, mines and quarries | 242:33 |
Golden Pippin | 264:20-1 | |
Gough's Cave | ||
Goyden Pot | ||
Aquamole Series | ||
location map | 153:24 | |
Main Chamber collapse location and Gargett Way extension | 238:8 | |
Manchester Hole connection | 173:25 | |
Grabbers Cave | ||
Grayrigg Main Rising | 229:20 | |
Great Douk Cave | Entrance area, 3D model | 274:6 |
Great Douk Pot | 174:13 | |
Greece | Astraka Plateau area map | 36:17 |
Epos Chasm | 7:29 | |
Karavomilos Cave (Kefalonia) | 263:36 | |
Green Holes | 103:27 | |
area map | ||
Hell Complex | 208:20-1 | |
Isca Silurum Tunnels | 73:18 | |
Joe's Cave | 209:25 | |
Mermaid's Hole | ||
Reef Caves | ||
Urchin Cave | 76:13 | |
Green Moss Pot | ||
Greenhorn Caves (USA) | 69:16 | |
Grey Wife Hole | 3:16-17 | |
Grove Cliff | caves of | |
Guernsey | area map | 184:35 |
Guscott Pot | 244:9 | |
Gut Hole | 240:18 | |
Gwynt yr Eira, Ogof | 129:34 | |
hydrology | 129:35 |