Descent Author Index J
Index by Chris Howes complete to (288)
JACKSON, Peter | Underground in the Forest [NAMHO 2018 conference] | (263), Aug 2018, p23 |
JAKOPIN, Primoz | The Man from the Deepest Cave on Earth [interview with Pavel Demidov about Verevkina] | (271), Dec 2019, pp36-8 |
The Man from the Deepest Cave on Earth [part 2] | (272), Feb 2020, pp19-24 | |
Pushing Boybuloq [Uzbekistan expedition 2021] | (282), Oct 2021, pp28-32 | |
JAMES, David | Triple Hole. Miners' deads do tell their tales | (24), July 1973, pp12-15 |
The Pun-ishment of Mangle Hole | (27), March 1974, pp35-6 | |
JAMES, Ian | One Man's Meat. A caver's thoughts on what takes him underground | (52), Oct 1982, pp19-20 |
How the Army Caving Association Keeps Its Own House in Order | (57), March 1984, p36 | |
Army Expedition to Java '86 | (73), Nov 1986, pp20-3 | |
JAMES, Ian et al | Canada. Thirteen-cave extravaganza for Army Caving Association | (55), Nov 1983, p35-8 |
JAMES, Julia | Julia James. The story of a caving yuppie [interview by Dave Martin] | (71), July 1986, pp20-3 |
JAMES, Julia et al | Papua New Guinea. The majesty and challenge of the Muller Range. Part 1 | (78), Oct 1987, pp28-32 |
Papua New Guinea. Friday the thirteenth – and a flash flood hits hard. Part 2 | (80), Feb 1988, pp30-3 | |
JARRATT, Tony | Mexico 82. Vampires, lions, histoplasmosis and killer caterpillars – plus the promise of Veshtucoc | (54), Aug 1983, pp20-1 |
Eastwater Cavern [Westend Series] | (55), Nov 1983, pp12-13 | |
Mendip Flash-Flood Brings Close-Call for Eastwater Parties | (82), June 1988, p14 | |
Fourteen Years On, Wigmore Swallet 'Goes' | (101), Aug 1991, pp30-1 | |
On the Ho Chi Minh Trail | (111), April 1993, pp34-5 | |
Caves Be Where You Make 'Em [Priddy Green Sink] | (131), Aug 1996, pp18-19 | |
Dead Racoons and He-man Lager [expedition to Meghalaya, India] | (158), Feb 2001, pp26-7 | |
Journey Beneath the Centre of the Universe [Hunters' Lodge Inn Sink] | (168), Oct 2002, pp34-5 | |
Another Mendip Flood Find [Tynings Barrows Swallet] | (1), Jan 1969, pp10-12 | |
Under the Hunters' [Hunters' Lodge Inn Sink] | (174), Oct 2003, pp28-9 | |
JAYNE, Philip & ADAMS, John & ROLLAND, Ian | Ogof Capel – The lock and key to Mynydd Llangattwg? | (69), March 1986, pp8-9 |
JEFFREYS, Alan L. | Grampian Discover Sporting Way Down Jingling Pot | (8), Nov 1969, p14 |
Schiehallion Mountain Yields Secrets to Grampian | (11), March 1970, pp25-8 | |
Uamh Nan Claig-Ionn is Now Scotland's Deepest Pothole | (37), Dec 1977, pp5-8 | |
Grampian Winkle Out Schiehallion's Secrets | (39), July 1978, pp4-6 | |
Mystery Find By Grampian [Poll Seomar] | (64), June 1985, p10 | |
Taking the Tube Into Black Shiver Pot | (66), Oct 1985, pp30-1 | |
How Cavers Can Cut the Criminal's Income | (74), Jan 1987, pp24-5 | |
Casterton Fell Access. Time for cavers to make a stand | (76), June 1987, p28 | |
Pow-Wow for British CROs | (76), June 1987, p31 | |
Underground in Appin | (76), June 1987, pp32-3 | |
Juniper Gulf | (78), Oct 1987, pp24-7 | |
Injured Caver | (83), Aug 1988, pp14-15 | |
Cave Rescue Conference 1989 | (90), Oct 1989, p29 | |
Trow Gill. Finding the body in Body Pot | (92), Feb 1990, p17 | |
What a Heidbanger | (95), Aug 1990, pp24-5 | |
If Caving be the Food of Life ... | (107), Aug 1992, p10 | |
Smoo in Fact and Fiction | (116), Feb 1994, pp20-1 | |
The Cairngorm Smart Rope | (113), Aug 1993, p15 | |
A Good Rung for your Money [The Bottom Line] | (123), April 1995, p19 | |
A Song for the Memory | (124), June 1995, p33 | |
The Blight of the Heron ... | (128), Feb 1996, p37 | |
Charging for Rescues | (130), June 1996, p17 | |
Don't Lecture Me, Young Man [advice for lecturers] | (131), Aug 1996, p25 | |
Lost in the Mine. A Paisley boy's fight for life | (133), Dec 1996, pp26-7 | |
De Profundis | (134), Feb 1997, pp28 | |
Ex Libris | (137), Aug 1997, p36 | |
Larf? I Nearly Drowned | (139), Dec 1997, p35 | |
The Emperor's Old Clothes | (140), Feb 1998, p36 | |
Foreign Caving: the Final Solution | (141), April 1998, p29 | |
Give me an Inch and I'll Rant all Night | (148), June 1999, p38 | |
To Be Continued ... | (150), Oct 1999, p34 | |
The Importance of Being Earnest | (152), Feb 2000, p38 | |
Childish Things [juvenile caving literature] | (164), Feb 2002, pp36-7 | |
So How Did You Start Caving? [Edinburgh museum] | (166), June 2002, pp26-7 | |
The Balkan Question | (174), Oct 2003, p38 | |
Ken Pearce – My Part in his Downfall | (192), Oct 2006, p23 | |
Oh Let my Books be then the Eloquence ... | (197), Aug 2007, p38 | |
Fountains of the Great Deep | (198), Oct 2007, p36 | |
You Mean You Actually Used That? [Descent retrospective] | (200), Feb 2008, pp42-4 | |
On Knowing Gibberish when I Hear It | (204), Oct 2008, p30 | |
Life As We Know It | (209), Aug 2009, p38 | |
The Missing (C) Link | (212), Feb 2010, p32 | |
Obsession | (215), Aug 2010, p44 | |
Founders' Day | (217), Dec 2010, p45 | |
All Our Yesterdays | (240), Oct 2014, pp30-1 | |
Shafted by the Law [Write it Down!] | (261), April 2018, p38 | |
On the Evolution of Magazines | (266), Feb 2019, pp32-3 | |
The Risk of Exposure [Write it Down!] | (273), April 2020, p38 | |
JEFFREYS, Alan L. & BEDFORD, Bruce & GLANVILL, Peter | BCRA Caving Conference: Varied menu – but nothing served up on Bar Pot | (79), Dec 1987, pp19-21 |
JEFFREYS, Alan L. & BROOKS, Simon | Seventh Heaven in Claonaite | (126), Oct 1995, pp30-1 |
A Great Thloo Trip [Meghalaya] | (161), Aug 2001, pp34-6 | |
JEFFREYS, Alan L. & CRAVEN, Steve & HOWES, Chris | Into the Abime [centenary of Martel's Gaping Gill descent] | (125), Aug 1995, pp20-3 |
JEFFREYS, Alan L. & HOWES, Chris & GLANVILL, Peter & KIRK, Peter & LUMLEY, Mark | Of All Things Caving [Hidden Earth 2014] | (235), Dec 2013, pp30-4 |
JEFFREYS, Alan L. et al | The Descent [review of films The Descent and The Cave] | (186), Oct 2005, pp32-3 |
Jim's Last Words [obituary Jim Eyre] | (206), Feb 2009, pp31-4 | |
The Leek Convergence [Hidden Earth 2010] | (217), Dec 2010, pp30-5 | |
Hidden Earth at Monmouth | (223), Dec 2011, pp38-42 | |
JENKINSON, Mark & GRAY, Alan | Calculating, the Miners' Way [deciphering tables in Box Freestone Mines] | (233), Aug 2013, pp44-5 |
JENKINSON, Matt et al | The Grand Traverse [Three Counties System] | (283), Dec 2021, pp22-6 |
JEWELL, Chris | So You Want to Go Caving? [BCA encouraging new cavers] | (193), Dec 2006, p25 |
CHECC Goes to Mendip | (194), Feb 2007, p22 | |
Four Years On ... [BCA project] | (213), April 2010, p29 | |
Hallazgo Hitu [Cueva Culiembro connection with Pozu del Xitu, Spain] | (219), April 2011, pp32-4 | |
Diving the Fou de Bor [Spanish pushing dives with Artur Kozlowski] | (225), April 2012, pp34-6 | |
Once More Beyond the Deep [cave diving in Sótano de San Agustín, Mexico] | (238), June 2014, pp38-41 | |
The Onslaught on Sump 9 [cave diving expedition to Sotano de San Agustin, part 2] | (239), Aug 2014, pp30-3 | |
Diving at Depth [GESM, Spain] | (244), June 2015, pp20-23 | |
JEWELL, Chris & GARDINER, Stu | A Fresh Pair of Eyes [Wigmore Swallet] | (199), Dec 2007, pp24-6 |
JEWELL, Chris et al | The Grand Traverse [Three Counties System] | (283), Dec 2021, pp22-6 |
JOHNSON, Peter | Casteret: His Life and His Caves. A short biography | (27), March 1974, pp37-40 |
Barrows Mussey: He brought Casteret's classic to thousands of English readers | (62), Jan 1985, p29 | |
The First Descent of Alum Pot | (71), July 1986, pp30-2 | |
John Birkbeck. Yorkshire's Pioneer Caver | (74), Jan 1987, pp26-7,34 | |
Norbert Casteret. The man whose pen spelled the magic of caving | (78), Oct 1987, pp20-3,33 | |
The First Descents of Eldon Hole | (82), June 1988, pp32-4 | |
Lamb Leer in the Seventeenth Century | (84), Oct 1988, pp34-6 | |
JOHNSON, Ralph | Knotlow's Pollution Continues Apace | (168), Oct 2002, p10 |
The Moss Aftermath [Neil Moss fatality, Peak Cavern] | (213), April 2010, pp26-7 | |
Doming and New Wisdom headlights [gear review] | (220), June 2011, p21 | |
Doming 3W Headlight [gear review] | (225), April 2012, p33 | |
A New Kid on the Blcok [Gleistein ropes] | (228), Oct 2012, p15 | |
JOHNSTON, David | ULSA Winter Ireland Meet. Down Noon's Hole, traitor's end | (11), March 1970, pp22-4 |
JONES, Ceris & HOWES, Chris | Images from the Past [Emily Lloyd, cave artist of 1862] | (163), Dec 2001, p27 |
JONES, Chris [mining] | The Matienzo Alternative | (91), Dec 1989, p32 |
The Exploration of Coniston | (113), Aug 1993, pp34-5 | |
The Slit Pot Explosion! | (121), Dec 1994, p29 | |
Ryobi ER-160 Drill [gear review] | (128), Feb 1996, p19 | |
Britain's Largest Explosion [Fauld] | (163), Dec 2001, pp14-15 | |
JONES, Chris [S. Wales] | Gaining Depth Through Megzit [OFD] | (278), Feb 2021, pp24-7 |
JONES, Chris & BADDELEY, Louise | The Cheese Reward [Silvestre] | (270), Oct 2019, pp19-23 |
JONES, Chris & HOWES, Chris | A Trip to Lava Land [NSS Convention] | (114), Oct 1993, pp22-3 |
JONES, Chris, POWLESLAND, David & WALKER, Phil | The Lows and Highs of Tresviso | (263), Aug 2018, pp18-22 |
JONES, Gareth Ll. | Marble Arch. Just five connections could lead to then Grand Tour | (18), Sept 1971, pp6-8 |
Reyfad Find Heads Into Mountain | (40), Jan 1979, p18 | |
Reyfad: The rising star amongst Irish caves | (45), March 1980, pp27-9 | |
Mullinahone Tunnel – Karst from the Inside | (45), March 1980, pp30-1 | |
Through Purgatory's Gate to Follow the Canyon [Poulnagollum, Co. Clare] | (68), Jan 1986, p12 | |
Ireland's First [SUI/ICRO] Caving Symposium a Big Success – Thanks to emergency supplies | (68), Jan 1986, p13 | |
Rescue and Diving Main Themes at Second [SUI/ICRO] Symposium | (74), Jan 1987, p8 | |
Ireland's Third Annual [SUI/ICRO] Symposium | (79), Dec 1987, pp8-9 | |
Fourth SUI/ICRO Symposium | (85), Dec 1988, pp12-13 | |
SUICRO 89: A successful conference | (91), Dec 1989, pp10-11 | |
SUICRO 90 | (98), Feb 1991, pp8-9 | |
Édouard Martel en Irlande | (126), Oct 1995, pp20-1 | |
Finally – a Cave in Wicklow [Powerscourt Deerpark Cave] | (175), Dec 2003, p14 | |
The Discovery of the Great North Road [Dan yr Ogof] | (231), April 2013, pp24-7 | |
JONES, Glenn & DAY, Mick | The Changing Face of UK Caving | (135), April 1997, p32-34 |
JONES, Howard | Covering Cavers [insurance scheme] | (268), June 2019, p17 |
JONES, Howard et al | A Cup of Turkish Tea [Part 1] | (87), April 1989, pp28-9 |
A Cup of Turkish Tea. Part 2 | (89), Aug 1989, pp24-5 | |
JONES, Huw, BOLT, Peter & GARMAN, Alastair | Up at the Sharp End [Ogof Draenen] | (130), June 1996, pp24-6 |
JONES, J.C. | New Rescue Blanket Proves its Worth in Cave Rescue | (49), July 1981, pp28-9 |
JONES, Jon | KSE Lamp [gear review] | (198), Oct 2007, p35 |
JONES, Keith & SMALL, Clinton & WITHERS, Mark | Under the White Moon [Ogof Dan-y-Lleuad Wen] | (104), Feb 1992, pp34-6 |
JONES, Pete 'Mole' | Marilyn's Deep, Dark Secret | (194), Feb 2007, pp26-8 |
JOULE, Jenni & NOBLE, Mark & NOBLE, Wendy | My Dad, the Troglodyte | (240), Oct 2014, p24 |
JOYCE, Steve | L.U.M.P.S | (91), Dec 1989, pp30-1 |
JUDD, Brian | Balliny Expedition Takes Poll na gCéim to Ireland's Third Deepest | (70), May 1986, pp14-16 |
Poll na gCéim Goes Deep | (104), Feb 1992, p30 | |
Into Downstream Doline [Xio Zhai, China] | (123), April 1995, pp26-7 | |
Breaking the Black Keld Barrier | (155), Aug 2000, pp24-6 | |
Coccyx Down, Blue Underpants Onwards! [Di Feng, China] | (165), April 2002, pp36-8 | |
Enchanted with Black Keld | (179), Aug 2004, p27 | |
JUDD, Brian & STANTON, Rick | The Siege of Black Keld | (192), Oct 2006, pp24-5 |
JUDSON, David | British Team Puts Ghar Parau Promise to the Test | (22), Aug 1972, pp8-10 |
Call From the B.C.R.A. for Radical Changes in the N.C.A | (32), Sept 1975, pp39-41 | |
The Bad News, and the Good [Hood Awards] | (144), Oct 1998, p29 | |
Choose the Cover you Require [insurance] | (151), Dec 1999, p23 | |
Safeguarding Our Future | (200), Feb 2008, p34 | |
Cavers and the Land [legal access] | (214), June 2010, p29 | |
JUDSON, David & LEVETT, Fred | The Lady Behind the Scenes [Elsie Little obituary] | (236), Feb 2014, pp24-5 |
JUDSON, David et al | This is Mr P.B. Smith .. [obituary] | (146), Feb 1999, pp24-5 |
Farewell, a Caving Legend [obituary, Bob Leakey] | (233), Aug 2013, pp30-4 | |
Deakin: the All-Rounder [obituary, Paul Deakin] | (241), Dec 2014, pp23-7 | |
JUDSON, Neville | Midsummer Night [fiction] | (106), June 1992, p29 |
JUDSON, P.N. | Syndrome Aprés Berger [poem] | (200), Feb 2008, p31 |
JUDSON, Philip | Caucasian Caves and a Dormouse | (114), Oct 1993, p27 |
More Fun on Fisht [Caucasus expedition] | (132), Oct 1996, pp32-3 | |
A Brief Visit to Ukraine [Write it Down!] | (231), April 2013, p46 | |
Ruffling Feathers [Write it Down!] | (233), Aug 2013, p46 | |
When to Bellow! [Write it Down!] | (236), Feb 2014, p38 | |
Callout Time [Write it Down!] | (242), Feb 2015, p30 | |
Grave Superstition [Write it Down!] | (256), June 2017, p31 | |
A Well-earned Rest [Write it Down!] | (262), June 2018, p38 |