Descent Author Index X, Y, Z

Index by Chris Howes complete to (288)




YEADON, GeoffBeing the Very Best of Friends [obituary, Dave Yeandle]
(166), June 2002, pp34-5
YEADON, JohnIan Plant [obituary]
(45), March 1980, pp4-5
YEANDLE, DaveCave Diving: A revival up north
(24), July 1973, pp4-5
YEARSLEY, SimonDigging Deep for Malcolm [fundraising for Malcolm Bass]
(280), June 2021, p11
YOUENS, ClareSUSS vs. the University of Sheffield
(181), Dec 2004, pp22-3
YOUNG, IvanHow the GSG patiently pieced together Scotland’s first mile-long system [Claonaite]
(50), Sept 1981, pp30-4
The Highest Cave in the British Isles
(103), Dec 1991, pp32-3
Surveying ... the easy route?
(113), Aug 1993, pp26-8
Survey & Cavemap [Gear Review]
(114), Oct 1993, pp34-5
A Giant Leap for a Frog [Rana Hole]
(199), Dec 2007, p27