Finding information on this website
Searching this website
The most obvious website search is from the box at the top of all pages. This searches for single words and will return results from both Descent and all the general information pages. Pausing for a moment after typing in the search word will bring up a list of the most important results, ranked in order with products first followed by information pages (the search is limited to the first seven results in each set). Pressing enter or return after typing in a search word will immediately present all the results from that search, in tabs for products and information pages.
As a shortcut to finding issues of Descent, typing 'd' with the issue number (such as d266 or d46) will bring up that issue. Because the search is triggered by the first three characters, for the first nine issues use the format of 'd05' for, in this case, issue (5). These searches will also bring up second-hand copies if you are looking for these.
The indexes to Descent content, and the searches that may be conducted, are being retained as an aid for readers, but are not maintained beyond October 2022, issue (288), following the sale of Descent.
Make use of online lists and indexes
Descent is partially (but extremely fully) indexed on paper, with issues (1) to (133) so far covered by published indexes. In addition, an online list of all authors of major articles, reports of fatalities and obituaries, and all surveys and area maps in Descent has been added to this website. Follow the links to these pages to consult the listings directly. We recommend that you also read the notes in the last of these four links, to help you gain the best use of the online indexes.
Index to Authors of articles
Index to Obituaries and Fatalities
Index to Surveys and maps
Using the indexes
Other indexes online
One of the paper indexes has been released for digital download, as well as being searchable, covering the Yorkshire Speleological Association's journal. Follow the links for the YSA paper publication and information about the downloadable version.