
Descent (223) contains one of our irregular caption competitions with five DVD copies of the film Cave of Forgotten Dreams as prizes (a second competition has a boxed set of Wainwright's Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells as a prize). In addition, we have a sixth DVD copy of the film worth £15.99, supplied courtesy of BCA, to give away in this online-only competition.

To enter, you must find the answers to the following three questions and send them to the Descent editorial address before midnight on the last day of 2011. You may use normal snailmail post or e-mail. To make this easier, all the answers appear on this website, so make full use of its search capabilities to help you.

All correct answers will be placed into a helmet and the winner will be drawn at random; you do not need a copy of Descent to enter this competition, though of course we hope you are already a reader. Don't forget to include your postal address with your entry.

1. The Three Counties System hypothesis first appeared in Descent in which issue?

2. How many issues of Descent contain a survey of Lamb Leer Cavern?

3. How much did the first issue of Descent cost when it was published in January 1969?

The answers are:

1. Issue (8)

2. Two (issues 84 and 117)

3. Two shillings and sixpence

The winner was chosen at random from among the correct entries ... congratulations go to Geoff Long, who won the DVD.

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